Are financing options available, or is payment due at the time of service?
Payment is expected at the time of service at Gulf Coast Veterinary Hospital. We understand that not all issues with our pets are expected, so we are pleased to accept major credit cards and some forms of pet insurance. Please call ahead to determine if your insurance is taken at our hospital.
Why does my pet need flea or heartworm prevention year round?
Due to the temperate climate and mild winters in the Baldwin County area of Alabama, all pet owners should administer heartworm, and flea and tick preventative all year for the safety and comfort of their pets. Heartworms are transmitted to both dogs and cats through the bite of an infected mosquito. Fleas and ticks can be transported to our pets by wildlife such as raccoons, opossums, and deer, even in the middle of towns and suburbs. Temperatures in our area do not typically reach low enough to prevent mosquitoes, fleas, or ticks, and therefore prevention should be administered all year.